iSMA Tool

isma tool

iSMA Tool, a Windows-based freeware programming tool made for iSMA CONTROLLI controllers.

Programming Tool made for System Integrators
iSMA Tool gives customers a convenient way to create and manage applications for iSMA CONTROLLI products. It allows for online programming and device management. iSMA Tool is designed as a project-oriented software for easy management of hundreds of controllers on many sites.

Intuitive User Interface with Many Tweaks and Features
Device management is enhanced by the Workspace tree view, which can be created separately for each site. Devices can be grouped into projects, floors, and rooms. For programming configuration and maintenance, many different views are available to improve the user experience while working with the iSMA Tool. The Wiresheet view allows for straightforward logic creation and component linking with diagram blocks. Logic can be created by simple drag and drop, using pre-defined functional blocks available from various device kits. The Objects Properties view facilitates setting parameters without leaving the Wiresheet view.

Key Features
Free of charge, maintenance-free software
Device and application management
Workspace tree to support the management of each site
The Object Properties window for fast access to components parameters
Working with many components at once with multislot edition and multiaction
Trend management
Schedules management
History data export
Multilanguage support

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